good start

Dear Families:

Thank you for making it a great week for us. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding. This will be the best year ever.

A couple of reminders for Monday, 9/13:

  • All children must ride the bus or use the drop-off lane at Church Street. Parents/Guardians will not be able to walk the children to the door or the classroom.
  • All visitors entering the building will need to follow the masking protocol.
  • If you are picking up your child at school. You will not be permitted to line up outside the door until 3:25 p.m. Please wait in your car until we are ready. The children are not released from their rooms until 3:25. If everyone adheres to this we will be able to get the children out quickly and safely without congestion (and the big people mixed with the little ones gets a little chaotic). Thanks for understanding that we want this to be as efficient as possible for all of us.
  • All birthday/celebration snacks must be purchased through the cafeteria. Info
  • If your child is sick or he/she or your family is in the process of COVID testing, please keep your child home. If you have questions about attending school, please call Mrs. Reynolds.

We are off to a great start. It is our goal to get our kids to school and to keep them here! Thank you for your support to make this happen.

Mrs. Devitt