
Pioneer School District received a passing grade on its latest external audit, as presented at the regular Board of Education meeting on Sept. 21.

Seth Hennard of Lumsden & McCormick LLC shared the annual audit findings via Zoom. He said the district financial statements were found to be materially accurate and fiscal practices to be in compliance with standard government accounting standards.

He said Pioneer is considered a 'low-risk' auditee, meaning it has to be tested for only the minimum when it comes to government aid and grants it receives. The COVID pandemic has had an impact on the amount of activity tested by the audit in areas such as food service and transportation.

Like a lot of districts, Pioneer has also benefitted from COVID-related federal stimulus aid, he noted.

Mr. Hennard said Pioneer appears to have a healthy fund balance, both assigned and unassigned.  He said a deficit in the fund balance for capital projects was to be expected at the outset of the 2020 improvement project. Reimbursements will eventually help restore this category.

A letter summarizing the audit states there were no areas of concern or difficulty, and no issues that need to be covered with district personnel. This letter will be on file with the state.

Agenda for 9/21/21