
Pioneer School District parents can expect a call from First Student Transportation with details on their child's busing plan for 2020-21. 

Superintendent Benjamin Halsey said in an automated call to parents that the district would not be taking out its traditional ad in the local Pennysaver to share details on bus routes. 

Instead, parents of bussed students in grades 5-12 will be getting a call from First Student on Thursday, Sept. 3, or Friday, Sept. 4, with details on pickup and drop-off. Those students' first day of transportation will be Tuesday, Sept. 8.

Parents of bussed elementary students will be getting a similar call on Thursday, Sept. 10, or Friday, Sept. 11. Those students will be bussed to school starting Monday, Sept. 14.

Mr. Halsey said the procedural changes are based on:

  • the number of parents who have said they will self-transport their child to school
  • the processing of information for families who have committed to a fully remote instructional model,  and 
  • the district having to develop bus routes for both A and B student cohorts.

If you miss your call, have had a recent change in phone number or have any questions in regards to bus transportation, please contact the First Student transportation office at (716) 492-1981.