Missed Session Form

Below are the missed session guidelines for Pioneer In-Service Courses. The new protocol begins July 1, 2016, moving forward. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

Pioneer In-Service Course Missed Session Form

Course Absences/Make Ups

  1. Participants who miss 30 minutes or less can arrange with presenter to make up instruction that was missed.

  2. Participants who know, in advance, of an impending absence or must leave mid-session due to an emergency must follow the protocol listed below in order to receive credit towards their stipend hours.

  3. Participants who miss 1 session will need prior approval from the Director of Curriculum & Instruction and the course facilitator to make up missed work. The participant will email the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for approval for missing a session. (Please cc: course instructor and Teacher Center.) Participants can print the Course Make Up Session Form (see link on this page) from the Teacher Center website. Please attach a copy of the approval email received to the completed Course Make Up Session Form and submit to the instructor for approval.

  4. Participants must make up hours on-site and complete the sign-in sheet attached to the Course Make Up Session form within 2 weeks following the date of the missed class.

  5. Participants will need to review the final product/project completed with the instructor who will initiate the approval process.

  6. Participants who miss more than 1 session will not be able to make up hours. Participants will need to sign up for a different course. Course fees will be applied to new course.

In lieu of signing up for a different course, if there are extenuating circumstances, participants may appeal to the superintendent for more than one session absence. An appeal form may be obtained from the Department of Curriculum & Instruction. This form will be submitted to the Curriculum Office to initiate the appeal process. The superintendent will make a final decision.